recycling process

Issue 05/2018 Tradition and modernity combined

Metal recycling history in Colne Valley since 1876

The Schofield family‘s scrap yard is unique in Great Britain, not only because of its idyllic location on a hill near Huddersfield/Yorkshire but also the material and how it is processed here deserve...

Issue 04/2018 Economically interesting

An integrated approach to alternative fuel use in cement making

With the world facing new challen­ges in handling growing volumes of post-consumer waste, linking waste- and raw materials-preparation systems offers a viable solution – and big economic benefits.

Issue 03/2018 Biowaste Composting

Eggersmann Products and Technologies

Resource-efficient recycling management forms the basis for responsible and environmentally friendly action and has become an integral part of German and European legislation. In particular, the...

Issue 02/2018 He has often been the initiator!

Bühlmann Recycling AG with new Terminator in operation

„He has often been the one who initiated the ideas of everything that can be done using machines“, summed up Peter Grepper of Getag Entsorgungs-Technik AG on his long-enduring cooperation with...

Issue 02/2018

Interview Bühlmann Recycling AG

The recovery editorial team took the opportunity of interviewing Hansueli Bühlmann on the philosophy behind his success and on the company‘s latest acquisition, the Terminator 3400 ec.recovery: It‘s a...

Issue 01/2018 Coverstory recovery 1|2018

Vecoplan supplies process line for high-quality surrogate fuels to Bulgarian cement manufacturer

For optimum output

Alternative fuels are playing an ever-increasing role in the energy-intensive cement industry. These fuels are produced in mechanical-biological processing or industrial sorting plants. For this...
