Issue 02/2024 Greener, simpler and more efficient

Interview with Christian Hülsewig

Digitizing the construction and recycling industries and making them greener, simpler and more efficient in the process – the German ScaleUp Schüttflix was launched in 2018 to achieve nothing less...

Issue 03/2023 GORE® Cover System Technology

Interview with Ulf Harig

The revised Waste Framework Directive (Direc­tive 2018/851/EU, §10) stipulates that by the end of 2023 organic waste must either be collected separately or recycled at source. Municipalities must...

Issue 01/2018 Clean performance

New unit POWERFIL with strong stand-alone filters

With the founding of POWERFIL, EREMA has extended its portfolio and now also offers its proven melt filters as individual components for existing extrusion plants.
