Good resolutions

Dear readers,

the time of the turn of the year has its very own charm for me – Christmas with many lights in the long dark nights, the gathering with family and friends and its very own rituals followed by the turn of the year and the welcoming of the new year loudly or rather contemplatively. For some of us, good intentions are part of the turn of the year ... and even if they are not all implemented, they show the will to change, to develop further. The Association of Austrian Waste Management Companies VOEB has published a study according to which 45 % of the Austrians surveyed want to avoid plastic waste in the area of packaging. In general, 42 % want to reduce waste, 26 % want to separate waste better and 24 % of those surveyed are in favor of upcycling instead of buying new. Even if this is now a regionally limited study, we already know well what is important - now it is up to the implementation! The study and many other interesting statistics can be found at

I wish you a happy and healthy new year – may many good resolutions become reality!

Dr. Petra Strunk,

Editor-in-Chief recovery

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